Breast Implant Illness (BII)
At Lickstein Plastic Surgery, we see patients and offer a variety of treatment options for women affected by Breast Implant Illness in the Palm Beach area. Breast Implant Illness, or BII, describes a range of symptoms that may vary from individual to individual. Patients who feel they suffer from BII may be frustrated because there is no specific diagnostic test that can indicate the presence of the disease. Because it is often a diagnosis of exclusion, many patients are hopeful that explanting can provide relief.
It remains unclear why a small group of women with breast implants may feel they are affected and many others are not. Our surgeons believe it is important to find the right treatment option for you, and that there is not a “one size fits all” solution. Our doctors have years of experience with breast surgery, mastopexy, and capsulectomy, both en bloc and total. They will listen and help you with a treatment plan to address your symptoms and concerns, taking into account the aesthetic result as well.
Throughout history, researchers have studied many types of Human Adjuvant Disease, which is a term used to describe symptoms that are triggered by a foreign object or substance in the body. The medical community has explored the possibility of this condition in relation to breast implants since 1964.1 Clinical studies on BII are limited — while some support a link between breast implants and autoimmune symptoms, others challenge the existence of such a condition or focus on psychological factors.2,3,4 The most recent comprehensive analysis of the history and research of Breast Implant Illness concludes that a collaborative approach to studying Breast Implant Illness is needed in order to gain a more accurate and unbiased view of BII.5 The FDA urges women who experience potential BII symptoms to contact the FDA’s Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting program.6
Breast Implant Illness symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Rash
- Depression, anxiety, and brain fog
- Hair Loss
- Hormonal Issues7
If you are experiencing autoimmune symptoms after breast augmentation, or you have any questions about BII, please contact us and schedule a consultation.